by gw-adm | Sep 19, 2022 | Blog, CCIOA, Colorado Community Association, Colorado Legislative Tracking, Legislative, News
The Colorado General Assembly had a busy year, with 418 bills introduced in the House and 238 bills introduced in the Senate. While the Colorado Legislative Action Committee (CLAC) tracked many bills of interest, the piece of legislation of most consequence was HB...
by gw-adm | Dec 22, 2021 | Blog, Colorado Community Association, Legislative
HB 21-1229 Concerning Increased Protections for Unit Owners in the Governance of Unit Owners’ Association under the “Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act.” This bill requires the following: Associations must maintain and make available records on the HOA’s fees for...
by gw-adm | Jul 21, 2021 | Blog, Colorado Community Association, Legislative
With over 380,000 community associations in the US, including homeowner associations, condos and co-ops, most consisting of at least some inexperienced board members, it is no surprise that there are financial planning battles and infighting when trying to maintain...
by gw-adm | Jun 25, 2021 | Blog, Colorado Community Association, Legislative
Force majeure (a French term that literally means ‘greater force’, is related to the concept of an act of God or an event for which no party can be held accountable. It is a common clause in contracts which essentially frees both parties...
by gw-adm | Mar 10, 2021 | Blog, Colorado Community Association, Real Estate
Eagle Vail Property Owners Association, Inc. This article addresses the authority of the Eagle Vail Property Owners Association, (“Association”) to conduct election of Members of the Board of Directors via electronic means. The applicable Governing Documents and...
by gw-adm | Mar 3, 2021 | Blog, Colorado Community Association, Legislative
There was a lot of action in 2020 concerning community association law. Goodman and Wallace, P.C. would like to keep you up to date on all the new bills that passed during the 2020 Colorado legislative session below… SB 20-126 Regarding the operation of a...